Monday, August 17, 2015

Jr. Adelberg - S/T

Year: 2015
genre: twinkly emo


1. Intro
2. Duffy The Cat
3. Cheapy
4. Wallace
5. Older Pt. 3
6. Exulansis

physical release: 
format: Cassette Tape
pressing info:

25// blue tint 
25// purple tint

The self titled debut of this 4 piece twinkly emo band from san jose. This album brings a upbeat ride starting with a dreamy intro and quickly diving into a driving second track with chorus vocals and good vibes, the rest of the album consists of twist and turns from the poppy twinkles with vocal reminiscent of Algernon Cadwallader we all love and more dynamic crashing sections accompanied by strained vocals/screams and everything in between.

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