Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, i've had a pretty shitty situation come up in my life where i'm being pretty much forced to pack all my shit and get out of this house. I might be able to post like one thing later or something, if not i'll post as soon as I can. Thanks for sticking through with this inconvenience.

-Jacob Rice


  1. Keep on rockin brother

  2. If it wasnt for this site I would still be listening to like lionheart and mediaskare bands thinking that was underground hardcore. Thank you for expanding my musical sense. I hope all goes well with you and you RYE will always have one lifetime supporter.

  3. That sucks man. Hope things work out for you. Big fan of this site and the majority of bands that you post. Always good to discover new bands. But lifes ultimately more important. All the best!

  4. sorry to hear that but glad this site will still be around. looking forward to more!

  5. I'm in the same situation, man.

  6. I'll always be here ^_ one of the best blogs right now. hope shit works out for ya
