Sunday, February 3, 2013

Chelsea Wolfe-Ἀποκάλυψις

Year: 2011
Genre: Doom-Folk/Ambient/?

1. Primal/Carnal
2. Mer
3. Tracks (Tall Bodies)
4. Demons
5. Movie Screen
6. The Wasteland 
7. Moses
8. Friedrichshain
9. Pale On Pale
10. To The Forest, Towards The Sea

If you were to label Chelsea Wolfe in a broad sense, you would probably say that she falls under the genre of Folk. However that would not be doing her justice. She derives quite a bit of influences from Black & Doom-Metal and even has a Burzum cover floating around the internet. The instrumentals on Ἀποκάλυψις, as well as Chelsea's voice alternate from being ambient and haunting, to raspy and intense throughout the track-list. The tracks themselves are layered with alternating ambiance, adding an ominous and darkly atmospheric feeling to Chelsea's wailed minor tonalities. 
-Tucker Ross

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